Friday, September 9, 2011

More Than Sun, Sand, and Sea

The Bahamas was once marketed as a Country of Sun, Sand, and Sea, but this is so outdated as every Island Nation in the Caribbean can also boast of the same beauty to it's Visitors.
Because I live in the Bahamas, I can tell you that this country called the Bahamas is different from any other Country on the face of God's Earth.It is a Country where you
can find:
Love,Yes in the quietness of your Heart as you walk alone along a deserted beach, you can reflect on love for God, Family, a Spouse/Interest.

Peace, Yes you will find Peace in these Islands far from the "Hustle and Bustle" of the City.
Happiness, yes happy and refreshed you will be when you return to your home to pack your belongings and return to enjoy the good life.
So, Love, Peace, and Happiness will replace, Sun, Sand, and Sea,