Sunday, July 3, 2016

Embracing The Past With the Future

Dear Friends, while living in the present is very exciting with advancement in Technology moving like a rocket flight to the moon; many persons in the 18 to 45 age  categories  are accepting changing  technologies  and enjoying them like  a new born baby tasting a sweet formula for the first time.

An introduction to Computers and the Internet is a venture into the unknown  for a Senior Citizen." going where they have never gone before".

Smart phones can be intimidating, particularly  for  those who are not aware that tapping the letters on the keyboard lightly have  better results, than placing the finger tip directly on the keys . It can take several minutes to respond to a text  for beginners.

To compare my past to the future  I made  a mental trip back to to 1996 when I wrote letters by hand, taking them to the Post Office here in Nassau Bahamas. I purchased  stamps for delivery to my friends in far away Scotland, Indonesia, Finland, Australia, Canada and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. The letters took weeks and sometimes months to arrive. My letters addressed to Susan in Australia, and Tony in Tanzania written at this time, never  received a response. I believe they never arrived to the destinations.

 I am embracing my past days with the future  and will never handwrite  my  manuscripts, letters, nor  speeches again. I will save time and energy by using my Computer and send emails. I will use Face book, Twitter, Google + and Linked in to communicate. I promise to  change  my long distance preference  by using 'What's App" on my smart phone. Good bye 1996, hello 2016.

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